Monday, November 16, 2009

The Sixth Sense Technology

My friends had mentioned about it sometime back, but it had failed to garner much of my attention. Then I read the heading ‘The Sixth Sense Technology’ in one of the blogs three days back. Today I came across a video of it. I had to peek into it. My God! This is awesome. Not because it is technologically outlandish as every new invention is, but because it has the potential to alter our lives in many better ways. You need to have a look at it:-

Measure its usefulness for the disabled ones. Gauge its effects on the scientific explorations. Consider its impact on our daily lives. It could be revolutionary. This is what I call scientific innovation at its best. Only wish it doesn’t fall into bad hands.

Two words for the genius, Pranav Mistry, too. I know my adorations are more pronounced because he is an Indian. But they are also so because he is a typical example of a capable mind blossoming into its full potential. Being an IITian, he is no doubt a brilliant mind, but he is also a potential-turned-realized mind. How often we can claim this of people around us, or more importantly, about our inner selves? His should make us realise what a life of destiny means.

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