Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Pursuit of Everything

A distinct difference in the current time from the yore is the surfeit of everything around us. Earlier devoid of supply of demand, now we are spoilt for choices; however the supply still remains unattended - the culprit not being the victuals which are available in plenty but the unavailability of time which renders taking even a morsel a hurried and exasperating experience. So, what a cataclysm for those who want to revel and partake in everything conceivable on this earth. Ever pushed from one thing to another, jostled from one place to another, their life becomes a veritable carousel of sorts. This scramble doesn’t sate them either, rather it demeans their achievements to mere footnotes and in turn, fosters in them the urge to chase more things. The irony is not lost though - this pursuit of everything never ends, and the chasers instead remain seated on the unstopping whirligig of wishes.
What to abandon then – the pursuit or the goals? The answer should be both, however sacrilegious it may sound. In modern times, enough goals have been achieved, it is time now to savour them rather than go after next ones. And savour them with grace and gratitude. And in the end, always remember -an unhurried sense of time is in itself a great form of wealth.