A few days back, one of my friends posted this on his Facebook status,” For a successful life, one only needs a good health and the power to forget.” The more I think of it, the more it hits the truth. The catch-phrase ‘successful life’ is so discussed, yet so arcane, and individualistic, that any claimed erudition on its essentiality is at best a falsified belief. Undeniably though, this whole ethos starts from the self, and the self finds manifestation in good health. And this good health is both physical and mental, which allows an individual to work and enjoy life as it comes. This great state can only be achieved if the person has the ability to forget and forgive the past, however cruel or enticing it might have been. The philosophical import of ‘Living the moment’ can indeed be realized then. All simple …. life deciphered …. Right?
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Time to Settle

When you are flushing in teenage, life is an unhindered ride of thoughts and actions. The first thing that occasions itself is the affinity towards opposite sex. An 18-year old boy can’t help falling in love with a pretty damsel of his class, and the rosy world dreams follow. You also get surrounded by closer-than-life friends with whom you share your inner self. Then college happens and again a round of infatuations starts. You get firm in belief that life is all about a throwaway attitude. Ride and swim in the bewitching world– what and where are the checkpoints. Even the best of times has to come to a stop nevertheless. You pass out from College, and Work accosts you in all its fancy and glory. Realities start hitting, with their own sets of complexities and compulsions. Life is not anymore a child’s play; it is bloody taxing and engaging. You start seeing things which you never bothered to earlier. In the process, educational and professional dreams are aroused again. Studies, career, money, excellence, settled life – all become part of necessities now – a set of no-no things during earlier times. Your private space too grows. The change is mind-boggling …. all in a space of 10 years.
Then the inevitable happens. Marriage knocks on your door. The first realization that dawns on you is it is not anymore a fairytale ‘boy meets girls’ story. You cognize that it is actually meant for the rest of your life. You start thinking in terms of its suitability. You realize a pretty wife may not be the best wife. You long for someone who understands and supports you. There is no space for the frills and thrills of yesteryears. The sexual charms, however enticing, aren’t the first checkbox either. You instead wonder whether her presence will alienate your private space which never got away from you. You reason whether you will have to abandon yourself and adopt someone else post-marriage. Nevertheless you crave for that someone. ‘Plucking the stars theme for love’ still blooms, but those stars are bred on earth now. You theoretically believe in ‘all-for-you’ marriage, but also wonder whether she will the life-blood of you, as you want to be hers. Your wish list is radically changed. You again Ride and Swim, this time though in the unknown world.
What a departure from the times of yore!!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Office Life is Intoxicating
Very seldom will one say this. But having missed corporate life for close to one year, I felt some kind of desperation to join the software company back. It took some patient wait by me, but finally I was back in my earlier company, this time in Gurgaon. And to tell you frankly, no sooner than 2 or 3 days later, I was assimilated. The same old work, the same/similar faces and voices of colleagues, juniors, managers, the same project and the same kinda sick office feeling too. But intermittent between these was also a rejuvenated sense of starting it again, this time differently and intently. Not that earlier I was working shoddily, but now there is a sense of purpose and desire too to excel my work. It has been contributed no less by my last year’s work and experience when I was finally doing something from my heart and hum.
So, the normal routine has ensued now. It also has given a glimpse into the temporality of time. It already seems last year is last decade. So are the memories, both good and bad, of it. As someone said, we only value the time when it is gone, and no time is worth not valuing. In simple terms, enjoy the present. In those terms, my life sets out again with new goals in sight and with new means of work. Happy sailing!!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
If Ever I could Say, Sleepless in Delhi

Indeed I am, Sleepless in Delhi. Not for any lost miss, but because of the ****ing cold. I haven’t been able to sleep properly for the last 3 nights, as the frigid cold keeps on penetrating the scores of clothings, which I keep adding on and around myself, somehow. In the day, the bed is a virtual ice-layer, so no chance of respite even then. I had thought only Delhi heat could be an irritant, but I must say, the last few days cold, has even beaten that.
Delhi has become even colder than Paris and Madrid, despite it being lying in the Tropical Zone. It must be because of the global-warming industries which have effected such a catastrophic change in the climate worldwide. Such avaricious fellows. Or is it because of the pollution around Delhi which augments both heat and cold? Stupid Delhites.
Meteorologists say it is going to be like this for another week. Phew! I can only say, this time around, Delhi has shown to me the extremes of both summer and winter, and I dare say, in fact repeat, that I hadn’t experienced any of it before in my life. Bravo!